We’ve integrated a group of Web Accelerator Tools in the Website Control Panel to help you to quickly boost the overall performance of your web sites. You will not have to transform anything at all within the backend code or generate particular configuration settings that need tech expertise from you. Inside the Website Control Panel, simply opt for the application you want to use – Varnish, Memcached and Node.js and create an instance for it. It is all done with a click. By quickening your web sites, you’ll not just prevent your clients from having to wait but will also make your web site rank higher in search engine listings.
You’ll find the Web Accelerator Tools in the Advanced Tools part of the Website Control Panel.
RAM–caching as opposed to database calls
When you have a database–dependent web site or web application, and database queries often reduce the performance, this can be really disheartening for the website visitors or the application users. Searching for an answer can generally take a lot of time. Nevertheless, within the BeachBum Hosting Website Control Panel, you will find a remedy for you.
Memcached is a simple, yet strong distributed memory caching system, that memorizes information and objects within the RAM. By doing this, the database–saved info on your website will not need to be querried every time a website visitor loads exactly the same web page.
RAM–caching in place of HTTP queries
Using the Varnish web accelerator program built into the Website Control Panel, you may make your website webpages stream more quickly for your visitors. All of the adjustments are performed through a simple to use interface, without having to make any kind of immediate modifications to the code of your respective website.
Varnish is really an HTTP acceleration tool that will help all pages load a lot faster by caching them within the server’s RAM. By doing this, right after a page has been loaded by a visitor once, it won’t have to be sent by the server any further, which lessens loading time and also boosts your webpages. It’s been assessed that Varnish in most cases quickens website speed times with a 300 – 1000x factor.
Meant for establishing quick as well as flexible web applications
Web developers can use Node.js for the purpose of constructing different top–quality and also economical solutions like enterprise statistics, real time apps and content management systems, to name a few. It truly is turbo fast and flexible and is powered by an engaged community that is consistently advancing and sustaining it.
Node.js is powered by the Google V8 JavaScript engine and additionally works by using an event–driven, non–blocking I/O pattern that renders the API adaptable and extensible. This particular groundbreaking system permits coders to quickly produce high performance web applications by only using a single language.