Commonly customers check only the features they are going to get with a particular shared hosting plan and forget something just as important - the service uptime. As effective as a plan can be, frequent downtimes may lead to lower search engine rankings and lost clients regardless of what the reason for them is. Naturally, not many people would come back to an Internet site that's unavailable 50 % of the time, not mentioning the lost funds assuming you have invested in an advertising and marketing campaign. For this reason, when you acquire a new web hosting plan, you should make sure that the service shall be stable and your Internet sites will be online 24/7. This means more traffic, or in case you have an online store, for example, better uptime would mean happier customers.
Service Uptime Guarantee in Shared Hosting
When you acquire a shared hosting plan through us, we ensure that your websites will be working no less than 99.9% of the time. We've practically eradicated the web hosting server downtime by using an innovative cloud hosting platform where individual sets of servers address each portion of the overall service - files, databases, emails, and so forth. In that way, should there be a problem with a web server, the other servers within the cluster shall simply take over and your sites will not be affected in any way. In order to avoid any infrastructure difficulties, we also have diesel backup generators and a few independent Internet providers. Qualified administrators check the servers 24/7 to handle any software problems that may appear while hardware and software firewalls shall prevent DDoS attacks against the servers.