If you ever have any questions in regards to your web hosting account or you face a problem with your websites, you’ll have to touch base with the respective web hosting provider’s customer support team. It may not make a difference how swiftly they will respond if you have a question of a generic nature, but a problem such as a faulty web app update, for instance, may lead to your website becoming damaged or invisible on the World Wide Web. And the longer you have to wait for the support team to help you out, the longer the site will be out of order. In case you offer goods or services online, any outage will undesirably influence your website and you can lose existing or prospective customers. Lots of hosting providers, mainly resellers, answer trouble tickets and emails within 24 hours, but in the digital realm that’s way too long, as clients will rarely revisit a site that’s not working properly over an extended time period.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Shared Hosting
With a shared hosting from our company, you can just forget about waiting around for hours and hours, or even a whole day, to obtain a reply to an e-mail or a ticket. Regardless of when you contact us, we will help you out within maximum sixty minutes with any technical or sales inquiries that you may have. The fact is, our actual reply time almost never exceeds 20-30 minutes. As we are at your service 365 days a year, you’ll always get support in a timely manner and we realize precisely how vital that is in the online world. Soon after you contact us, we will reply to your questions. If you chance upon any technical predicament, we’ll tackle it on your behalf, or we’ll give you all the necessary information if there is something that you have to do yourself.