Extensive Online Documentation
Learn more about Online Documentation and why it can be beneficial to have a detailed documentation on hand at all times.
Despite the fact that the web hosting service supplied by the different companies is virtually the same, every provider has a customized platform with its own modifications and ways to do certain things. In this case, an information-stuffed knowledge base will be amazingly useful both for people with zero past experience and for technically skilled users who will at some point learn how given operations are accomplished, but will waste some time in the process. The objective of such a knowledge base is to help make the service fast and simple to use, saving users time and effort. The outcome is happier customers, since they can easily find the info they’re searching for, and substantially less work for the customer care staff members, because typically the vast majority of the enquiries and issues that customers have got are already included in the knowledge base. In case the articles themselves are adequately written and encompass more topics, you’ll be able to find out more not only about your account, but also about the hosting service in general.
Extensive Online Documentation in Shared Hosting
shared hosting that we offer feature a comprehensive knowledge base where you can find everything you may ever need to know with regard to your hosting account. Whether you intend to create a new database, to redirect a
domain by means of an .htaccess config file or to create an e-mail address on your desktop computer or hand phone, you can just check our help articles and all the info that you need will be there. When you visit a given section of your Hepsia Control Panel, you’ll see articles that are related to the functions that can be accessed through it. If you would like to check the complete list of articles and get familiar with all the functions that Hepsia is offering, or only to read general information about the web hosting service, you can browse the entire knowledge base, which can be accessed through the Help menu in your Control Panel. We have done our very best to cover any complication that you might possibly bump into, but in case you do not find the information that you’re searching for, you can always get in touch with us, as our client support engineers are on duty 24x7x365.